Pupil leadership
At Woodhill, we believe all children should have a voice to help shape their school. We ensure that children’s thoughts, views and opinions shape the learning experiences and opportunities that we provide. Throughout their time at the Woodhill, our children have several opportunities to work alongside the Senior Leadership Team and have an integral role in leading the school and being role models of our values.
Junior Leadership Team - JLT
The Junior Leadership Team (JLT) is comprised of children in Year 6 and consists of a range of roles and responsibilities for leading different parts of school or areas of the curriculum. Children apply for a role on the JLT by submitting a letter of application to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). They are then invited to interview for their preferred role where they are required to give a presentation as to why they would be the best candidate. The application and interview process encourages the children to develop their oracy skills and allows them to demonstrate their passion and commitment to the school, as well as teaching them an important life lesson.
Successful candidates work alongside members of the school’s Leadership Team and Senior Leadership Team in order to: plan and organise events, take part in monitoring and assessment of their curriculum area/key stage, promote the school at events such as the new EYFS parents meeting, support teaching and learning across the school and be role models for others.
School Council
The School Council are a group of elected children from Year 1 to Year 6. 1 child from each class are voted to represent their class on the team. The Pupil Ambassadors meet regularly throughout the school year to: discuss whole school events linked to personal development such as Anti-Bullying Week, share pupil voice ideas and suggestions and discuss our curriculum to ensure that it is regularly updated and fit for purpose, meeting the needs of all children.
The School Council are working on a whole school project on enrichment, collecting pupil voice and ensuring all pupils will be able to have the opportunity to participate.
Peer Mediators
Our Peer Mediators are a group of elected children from KS2 classes. They are trained in restorative justice, listening and effective communication. They work with the staff on the playgrounds to ensure children are happy and safe on the playgrounds. Peer mediators run games with children in the KS1 playground and run mindfulness sessions in KS2, along with ensuring the quiet area is engaging with quiet activities for all children to enjoy.
The Peer Mediators work alongside the Health and Wellbeing subject leads to support with a range of sporting activities in all the playgrounds, engaging children in physical health and promoting good mental health during playtimes.
Eco Club
Since summer 2023, a group of Year 5 children approached Mr Phillips to start an eco club. They have invited their friends, created a rota and will work with Mr Phillips and the premises team to keep our school clean and tidy. Mr Phillips was so impressed with their forward-thinking and sharing of this great idea that he had some special high-vis jackets made for them. Next week, they will walk around the perimeter of our school to collect litter and to promote respect for our school environment and local area.