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Woodhill Primary School

Latest News

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  • The Dog Mentor

    Published 15/09/22

    We are pleased to announce that we will be introducing our own school dog who has joined The Dog Mentor Programme. The Dog Mentor programme has built upon the benefits of the human-animal bond by providing children positive experiences with dogs that can help them educationally, developmentally, emotionally and socially.

    Over the last nine years, The Dog Mentor programme has been proven to have a positive impact on children in all areas including self-esteem, behaviour, peer relationships and better engagement skills. These improvements then result in improved academic achievement.

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  • School Closure - Monday 19th September 2022

    Published 12/09/22

    Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Monday 19th September has been confirmed as the date for her funeral. This will be a bank holiday enabling everyone to pay their respects in their own way. Therefore, our school will be closed on this date.

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  • Heatwave - July 2022

    Published 15/07/22

    Given the warm temperatures and the heat wave warning for next week (temperatures in Woolwich & Charlton are expected to reach 39 degrees during the afternoon), we have sent a letter to all parents outlining the things that we will be doing as a school in order to ensure that the health & safety of the children is a priority.

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  • School Dinner Reduction

    Published 12/07/22

    We are pleased to inform you that the negotiation of a new contract with our current meal suppliers, Chartwell, has meant that we are able to reduce the cost of a school dinner to £2.10 per day (£10.50 a week) from September 2022.

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  • Bring a bottle & in return wear your own clothes

    Published 21/06/22

    As part of our organisation for our Woodhill Summer Fayre on Friday 8th July, we are asking all families to donate something in a bottle! Please can you send your child to school on Friday 1st July with anything you may have at home, such as bottles of wine, fizzy drinks, unopened toiletries and any other items that could be used as part of the raffle and tombola. All children that bring in a donation will be invited to wear their own clothes for the day. We look forward to receiving your donations and to making our Summer Fayre a great success

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  • Hot Weather

    Published 14/06/22

    As you may know, we are expecting some very hot temperatures this week. You can help to ensure that your child is safe and able to enjoy the good weather by doing the following: 1. Put suntan lotion on your child in the morning, 2.Give them a sun hat to wear at break and lunchtimes to protect them from the heat and from getting sunburnt; and 3. Give them a bottle of water to take with them to school and keep topped up with water throughout the day.

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  • Woodhill's Platinum Jubilee Street Party

    Published 30/05/22

    It was great to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with an amazing Street Party at Woodhill today.  We actually had a visit from Queen Elizabeth herself!!

    Head over to our Twitter page to view lots more photos and videos @Woodhillsch as well as a few highlights below.

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  • The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

    Published 20/05/22

    Woodhill are delighted to be celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on the last day of this term on Friday 27th May 2022.

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  • Woodhill Summer Fayre - 8th July 2022

    Published 20/05/22

    At Woodhill Primary School, working in partnership with our community is at the heart of all that we do. We are in the process of organising a Community Summer Fayre from 3.00pm – 6.00pm Friday 8th July 2022.
    We are asking for lots of volunteers, helpers and support to put this event together.

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  • Woodhill Iftar Event - Thursday 21st April

    Published 16/05/22

    As many of you may know, the month of Ramadan is due to start on either 2nd or 3rd April this year, depending on the sighting of the new moon. Ramadan is a time when many Muslims around the world, including lots of families at Woodhill, will fast from sunrise until sunset every day. At Woodhill this year, we are delighted to announce that we will be hosting an Iftar gathering on Thursday 21st April from 7.30pm -9.30pm. Iftar is the name of the meal that Muslims have at sunset to break the fast.

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  • Census Day All American Menu - 19th May

    Published 16/05/22

    Please find a special All American menu for our census day on 19th May 2022.

    If your child is usually packed lunch and would like to have this school meal on this day please email the office on

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  • Bexley Selection Test information for current Year 5 children

    Published 02/12/21

    To be considered for a place at a grammar school within the London Borough of Bexley, your child must achieve the selective standard in the selection test held at the beginning of Year 6

    This leaflet tells you about the test that will be held in September 2022, for children born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012, who will transfer to secondary school in September 2023. If you register your child for the Bexley selection test, it will be considered that you have understood and accepted all the information in this leaflet.

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