Going for Gold Reading Challenge
As you know, encouraging our children to read for pleasure and enjoying books is one of Woodhill’s key priorities. There is strong evidence that links reading for pleasure with educational outcomes and it is of great importance that there is a connection between home and school in encouraging children to read. It has been fantastic over the last few years, to see so many parents and carers attending our three weekly parent reading mornings, supporting on library visits and also volunteering to read with children on a weekly basis.
Throughout the year we have been continuing our ‘Going for Gold Reading Challenge’ which focuses on book talk and breadth of reading.
There are three challenge cards in total to be completed over the course of the academic year; bronze, silver and gold. Each card has 8 reading challenges that are appropriate to that year group. You will find challenges that encourage children to read each day, read a wide variety of books and also share their reading with friends, teachers and family. Once they have completed the whole challenge children will receive a prize!
Once your child has completed a challenge, please initial and date the circle next to it on the challenge card or record in their Reading Record or Home Learning book. Any challenges that have a written element e.g. book reviews, can be done in your child’s ‘Home Learning Book’. Some challenges involve your child sharing their reading with a friend, their class or their class teacher. When at home your child can complete this part with a parent/carer or sibling.
Children are encouraged to take their time with the reading challenge. It is designed to take the majority of the year! Please support your child in completing the challenges by talking to them about their reading regularly.
We are sure that the children are going to enjoy completing the reading challenge and discovering lots of new books. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.